Tuesday, 3. September 2002
"Living with Music" ~ Ralph Ellison
Def: labyrinthine - relating to or affecting or originating in the inner ear; "labyrinthine deafness" 2: resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity; "a labyrinthine network of tortuous footpaths" [syn: labyrinthian, mazy] 3: highly involved or intricate; "the Byzantine tax structure"; "convoluted legal language"; "convoluted reasoning"; "an intricate labyrinth of refined phraseology"; "the plot was too involved"; "a knotty problem"; "got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering"; "Oh, what a tangled web we weave"- Sir Walter Scott; "tortuous legal procedures"; "tortuous negotiations lasting for months" [syn: Byzantine, convoluted, intricate, involved, knotty, tangled, tortuous] trojans - A person of courageous determination or energy. juxtaposed - To place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
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